All Volunteer Fire and Medical Assistance in South Roane County
We are South Roane County Volunteer Fire Department.
We serve the community of South Roane County to all businesses and residences that are south of the river and east of Watts Bar Lake. We protect 108 square miles of Roane County by offering fire suppression, medical support, general citizen assistance and advocate for fire safety and fire prevention.
Five Stations Serving South Roane County
239 Lake Drive, Kingston, 37763
Our primary station where we gather for training and business meetings we have one fire engine and one tanker at this location.
100 Paint Rock Road, Kingston, 37763
The Paint Rock location serves the eastern part of our district and houses 3 apparatus - an engine, tanker and a quick attack brush truck.
2933 River Road, Kingston, 37763
Located on the west side of Highway 58, this station houses an engine and a quick attack brush truck as well as our cascade system and supports a landing zone for medical evacuation.
105 Waterford Road, Ten Mile, 37880
Serving our south eastern district, we have an engine and tanker at this location.
261 Half Moon Shores Drive, Ten Mile, 37880
Our other station west of highway 58, this station serves the extreme south west part of our district and houses a fire engine.